In an image search for specific images of geotextile, I stumpled upon a post about Drone Landscapes, Intelligent Geotextiles, Geographic Countermeasures on the always interesting BLDBLOG
This headline may sound far from the present concrete scene. But textiles are of course a big part of the field of fabric forming. Furthermore, an explosive development of advanced technical textiles influences the construction of concrete.
In fabric formwork alone, full-scale prototypes and buildings in fabric formed concrete uses different types of woven polypropylene, also known as geotextiles.
This is the use of flat sheets of fabrics. Another overlapping field is the tectonics of textile structures, and then there is the 'textile', which refers to symbolic aspects and behavior. Such as the image below - definitely 'textile'.
['Textile concrete': A photo by Toshio Shibata via]
I may have posted an image like the above image of a Japanese retaining wall before, but it is definitely a case of 'textile' concrete, (thanks again Josh for that)
Enough talking - go read the post about computational geotextiles and get back to me if the influence of really-smart textiles as concrete formwork makes sense. A 'tiny' problem of this concept of course is that much of the smartness is cast in concrete if used as formwork.